Ossur Offers Free Knee-Trial Program in US

Home > Product Showcases > Ossur Offers Free Knee-Trial Program in US

It is important for both amputees and prosthetists to try different knees and evaluate which product is most suitable. Ossur now offers a new free 30-day trial period of the Total Knee® 2000 and the Mauch® Gaitmaster Low Profile, allowing more time to make the best decision.

The Total Knee 2000 is a polycentric knee with a unique, patented geometric lock, adjustable stance flexion, mid-swing shortening, and three-phase hydraulic swing control that combine to increase stability, ideal for those who need to walk freely at home or at work.

The Mauch Gaitmaster LP offers durability, performance, and stability. Its robust design, stance control, and cadence response is ideal for people engaging in high-impact activities.

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