Home > Product Showcases > OCSI/NEUROFLEX • ‘THERAPY IN MOTION’

Ongoing Care Solutions/NeuroFlex Inc.'s complete orthotic line includes the DynaProTM Flex Hand, DynaProTM Finger Flex Hand, DynaProTM Thumb Ease, and SoftProTM CHAMPTM Resting Hand Splints!

The DynaPro Flex Hand features two different sized palmar rolls to gradually increase finger extension. The DynaProFinger Flex Hand features a flexible finger platform, flexible wrist, and two gel inserts to treat thumb abduction. The DynaPro Thumb Ease has a rigid finger platform and two gel inserts in thumb portion.

The SoftPro CHAMP Hand for treating moderate wrist/hand/finger contractures features a unique, color-coded strapping system for optimal support. Thumb is "Bend-To-Fit." All our superior hand orthoses are SADMERC-approved with Code L-3807.

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