Order a Fusion or Duralite Foot and Receive a Free Ping Golf Shirt!

Home > Product Showcases > Order a Fusion or Duralite Foot and Receive a Free Ping Golf Shirt!

Duralite : Only 356g, the Duralite is lightweight without compromising energy return. Its unique composites increase deflection and energy, and the included reinforced sole makes it more durable and longer lasting. Sixty-day trial period.

Fusion : The Fusion Foot rides on snubbers that provide smooth heel-to-toe motion with little effort. The gap between the plates deflects at an angle to the foot plate, creating vertical shock compression. Adjustable snubbers allow the plates to flex, bend, and touch, providing medial/lateral stability on uneven terrain. Sixty-day trial period.

T-shirt promotion good through March 2009.
