Allard KiddieROCKER from PEL

Home > Product Showcases > Allard KiddieROCKER from PEL

The KiddieROCKER™ is the newest addition to Allard's pediatric dynamic response AFOs. Developed for children with more involved pathologies, the KiddieROCKER increases stability, supports the foot-ankle complex, and facilitates a more normal range of motion during the developmental years.

Features and benefits include:

  • Carbon composite with anterior shell, lateral strut, and engineered footplate with open calcaneal design.
  • Allows integration of custom foot orthotic to help control ground-up forces.
  • Lateral strut can serve as a base for a T-strap to control excessive ankle eversion.
  • Anterior shell assists in management of proximal deficits by helping manage either knee hyperextension or crouch gait.
