O&P RESOURCES: biodesigns, Inc.
September 06, 2017
The High-Fidelity™ Interface System with patented and patents-pending technology is a socket platform for both upper and lower limb amputees of all activity levels and ages and is backed by clinical evidence. The HiFi is not a fad or gimmick but is proven socket technology allowing patients to have unmatched clinical results: increased stability, less falls, greater comfort, increased functional ease, greater walking capacity, longer wear times, faster walking speeds, improved gait symmetry, less energy exerted, reduced pistoning, increased proprioception, greater range of motion and freedom of movement and much more. Remember the HiFi can be used with any suspension technique, is adjustable, and is subischial in the TF application.
Improve your outcomes and reimbursement. Sign-up for an upcoming HiFi webinar.
SEPT 15: HiFi Overview Webinar (no cost)
SEPT 22: HiFi Femoral Training
SEPT 29: HiFi Tibial Training
Phone or fax: 800.775.2870